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How can you prevent injuries like tooth fractures, chipped teeth, broken teeth, cracked teeth, fractured teeth and other tooth trauma?

How can you prevent injuries like tooth fractures, chipped teeth, broken teeth, cracked teeth, fractured teeth and other tooth trauma 1.  Have dental checkups every 6 months to discover problems early and receive treatment before decay undermines tooth structure or fillings and weaken them, predisposing them to fracture.2.  Have dental crowns placed on teeth that have undergone root canal therapy as soon as recommended by your dentist...

What Is The Best Time For Orthodontic Treatment?

What Is The Best Time For Orthodontic Treatment?Developing malocclusions or bad bites, can be recognized as early as 2-3 years of age. Often, early steps can be taken to reduce the need for major orthodontic treatment at a later age.Stage I – Early Treatment: This period of treatment encompasses ages 2 to 6 years. At this young age, we are concerned with underdeveloped dental arches, the premature loss of primary teeth, and harmful habits...

How to avoid common problems with dental implants

Over the years, dental implant surgery has become better and better. In fact, the procedure currently has about a 95% success rate, according to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Still, like with any surgery, there are some problems that can occur. Thankfully, almost all of these problems are pretty rare and can be avoided with planning and proper care. Here are five of the most common problems with dental implants and how you can avoid...

Avoid the ER when you have a dental emergency

This year, over 800,000 Americans will end up in the ER for a dental emergency. That number continues to rise each year, and it’s costing a fortune.The averages ER visit can run you $1000-$2000 per visit, and in a vast majority of cases, they were not able treat the cause of the problem. So, on top of the high ER bill, the patient was referred to a dentist, where they likely spent only a few hundred more dollars for treatment.ER visits cost...

Which is a better option: Invisalign or Braces?

Today’s technology has come a long way and patients have many choices when it comes to straightening their teeth.  A frequently asked question in our office is “Which is better option:  Invisalign or Braces?”Braces are made up of metal or ceramic brackets and metal wires.  A single bracket is affixed in an ideal position on each tooth.  A wire is then inserted through each bracket and this wire gently draws the...

What Happens During Sedation Dentistry?

Your dentist may prescribe medication for you to take at home an hour before your appointment to manage anxiety and relax you. You’ll almost certainly want to bring a companion with you on the trip to and from the dentist’s office. You may be convinced that you can get there on your own, but you’re probably wrong. Get someone to drive or escort you.Once you are at the dentist’s office you may receive more sedation, either orally (liquid...

Dental care financing options

Dentistry can do so much these days to improve a person’s health, appearance and self-confidence. From barely noticeable braces that straighten crooked smiles to dental implants that replace missing teeth, there is a state-of-the-art solution to virtually any dental problem. Of course, like anything that involves the time and resources of skilled professionals, highly technical and sophisticated dental treatment doesn’t come inexpensively;...

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Many people who are unhappy with their teeth’s appearance—dullness, gaps, chips or cracks, stains, or crookedness, for example—will choose porcelain veneers as a cosmetic solution. Patients love veneers for their natural appearance, resistance to stains, and brilliant white surface. Patients’ mouths love veneers because the process does not require extensive tooth shaping, and gum tissue tolerates the material well. Veneers don’t last...

Do orthodontic braces hurt?

Braces pain usually doesn’t start the moment these tooth-aligning devices are first installed, and the installation process itself is not necessarily a painful process, although there are those who will tell you it can be a lengthy and somewhat uncomfortable one. However, it usually doesn’t take long for pain and discomfort to set in once those orthodontic devices are in place. The question really isn’t whether you are going to...

How to find a good orthodontist

The process of choosing an orthodontist is a vitally important process. An orthodontist will be involved in the orthodontic care for a long period of time, treating a highly visible area of the body – the smile. The following information can be used to make the process of finding an orthodontist a pleasant experience.SpecialistsFirst, specialists in orthodontics are dentists that have pursued an additional 2-3 years beyond dental school in an...

Invisalign Treatment Process and Its Benefits

Invisalign Treatment Process and Its Benefits

Invisalign DentistMany adults don’t want to have their teeth straightened...
The complete guide to cosmetic dentistry

The complete guide to cosmetic dentistry

While general dentistry focuses on oral hygiene and preventing, diagnosing and...
Floss or not to floss

Floss or not to floss

If you follow any social media site I’m sure you’ve come across the recent...
Parents guide for dental health for kids

Parents guide for dental health for kids

Prior to baby’s birth, and by the third week post conception, the baby’s...
Patients guide to sedation dentistry

Patients guide to sedation dentistry

What is Sedation Dentistry? Sedation dentistry goes by several names –...
The guide to dental implants

The guide to dental implants

What is a Dental Implant? Dental implants are the treatment of choice for...
Top 12 things to look for in a good dentist

Top 12 things to look for in a good dentist

Finding the best dentist is a bit difficult, but finding a good dentist can be...
Ultimate guide to dental emergencies

Ultimate guide to dental emergencies

Today, I want to talk about dental emergencies that we see in the dental office...
Understanding Root Canals: The before, during and after

Understanding Root Canals: The before, during and after

When you need a root canal? If the cause of your teeth pain is serious decay...
Things to do when you child has a dental emergency

Things to do when you child has a dental emergency

Dental problems for kids may arise suddenly. When a tooth becomes dislodged or...
When Will My Baby Start Getting Teeth?

When Will My Baby Start Getting Teeth?

TeethingTeething, the process of baby (primary) teeth coming through the gums...
What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?

What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?

What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?Tooth brushing is one of the most...
Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)

Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)

Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)Parents are often concerned...
How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?

How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?

How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?Good oral hygiene removes bacteria and the left...
Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy for kids

Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy for kids

Brushing tips for kidsStarting at birth, clean your child's gums with a soft...